Fry 100 Sight Word List for Kindergarten
Sight words are words that we see over and over in everything that we read. These words often do not sound out with phonics rules and it benefits the reader to just memorize them.
Sight words are words that we see over and over in everything that we read. These words often do not sound out with phonics rules and it benefits the reader to just memorize them.
Phonemic Awareness Test A Phonemic Awareness test will give you crucial information concerning a set of skills that are mandatory…
A syllable can be the whole word or just part of the word but must contain at least one vowel. Learn how to divide a word into syllables on this page.
How to help a struggling reader is a puzzle with many pieces. Before the learning difference is addressed, a…
Reading games for kids are the easiest way to increase a child’s reading level. Everyone knows that kids need to…
Checkpoint Assessments The Checkpoint Assessment is a tool specifically developed to work with the Reading Blocks: A Step By Step…
The Reading Level Assessment will assist the instructor in determining the skill level of the reader and will help to determine which block to start with.
A reading assessment test can be completed to find out what skills an individual already knows concerning reading prior to beginning a reading program.
Multi-sensory activities are activities that use more than one sensory pathway into the brain which increases learning skills.